Polywater® PedFloor™ Structural Foam creates a barrier to
protect pedestals and cabinets containing standby power supplies, splices,
switches and other gear.
Polywater® PedFloor™ helps prevent outages and service disruptions by
creating a resilient and impermeable barrier that keeps out moisture and
stops rodents, snakes, and insects from burrowing up through earthen gaps
into the enclosure, potentially causing costly outages or safety hazards
to crews.
The strong, lightweight seal withstands freeze-thaw cycles
and environmental extremes. It is compatible with cable jacket
materials and will not corrode metal. |
- Keeps out rodents, snakes and insects
- Structural Foam creates a strong, resilient,
lightweight seal
- Flows and self levels before expanding
- Easy to mix and apply; no water required
- Tolerates environmental extremes
- Sturdy, cross-linked structure will not crumble
or cave-in
- Excellent for power supply cabinets
- May be used as a suspended floor, or directly on
Hardening or sealing of the Outside Plant is a common goal for
most Communications companies. But standard practice has not,
in many cases, effectively sealed the ground from the inside of
cabinets, enclosures, and pedestals. |
Two major problems are solved with Polywater® PedFloor™: First, it
prevents mice, rats, snakes and insects from entering the enclosed space
from underground, which reduces safety hazards to crews.
Second, with Polywater® PedFloor™ a vapor barrier is established
preventing condensation from warm ground air penetrating and condensing on
cold cabinet walls or equipment.
Suspension of Polywater® PedFloor™ Structural Foam Sealant
between the enclosure and the vault is an innovative method that solves
problems for those responsible for outside plant.
Catalog Number |
Description |
Package Contents |
Units/Case |
PF-1 |
PedFloor™ Base Sealant Small Bottle Kit
This kit will cover 1 square foot (approx.) with a three inch depth. |
1 Bottle Part A 1 Bottle Part B 1 Pair Gloves 1 Plastic
Sheet (per case) 1 Instruction Sheet (per case) 1 Roll Duct Tape (per case) |
2 |
PF-2 |
PedFloor™ Base Sealant Convenient burst pouch packaging
This kit will cover 2 square foot (approx.) with a three inch
depth. |
1 Burst Pouch 1 Pair Gloves 1 Plastic
Sheet (per case) 1 Instruction Sheet (per case) 1 Roll Duct Tape (per case) |
2 |
PF-3 |
PedFloor™ Base Sealant Quart Bottle Kit
This kit will cover 3 square foot (approx.) with a three
inch depth. |
1 Bottle Part A 1 Bottle Part B 1 Pair Gloves 1 Mixing
Pail 1 Mixing Stick 1 Plastic Sheet 1 Instruction
Sheet 1 Roll Duct Tape |
1 |
FSTBP-200B6 |
FST™BP Sealant Convenient burst pouch packaging (alternate use)
This kit will cover 0.5 square foot (approx.) with a two
inch depth. |
6 Burst Pouch 6 Pair Gloves 1 Instruction
Sheet |
1 |
View PedFloor™ Flyer Or Burst Pouch Flyer
View PedFloor™ Application Instructions Video YouTube or Vimeo
View MSDS on this Product
For more information on health hazards read our Urethane Safety paper
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View the Installation Instructions for PF-1, PF-2, PF-3 or FSTBP-200
Important Notice: The statements and information here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the intended use. The user assumes all risks and liability in connection with such use. The statements contained herein are made in lieu of all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. American Polywater's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use or the failure to properly use these products, regardless of the legal theory asserted. The foregoing may not be altered except by a written agreement by the officers of American Polywater Corporation.