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Special Order or Obsolete Product Page |
You have reached this page because you are searching for a product, catalog number, or specific terminology related to a Polywater® product that is either produced on a special-order basis or is no longer produced at all. You will not find additional information about this product on American Polywater's website. We have added this notification page as a courtesy. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-328-9384 (or 1-651-430-2270 from outside the U.S. or Canada) for more information about the status of this particular product. Examples are NightCoat Retro-Reflective Coating, SW-1 Sunscreen Wipes, Type KO Wasp Spray, LongShot Spreaders, and LubeMaster Applicators, all of which have been discontinued and for which we offer no alternate products. There are other products or specific catalog numbers that we produce on special order only, or which are discontinued but do have alternates available. Please call for more details. |
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