Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #847

          All seasoned salespeople are familiar with the concept of cross-selling, described by Wikipedia as, "the action or practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer." And it makes sense as a growth strategy. Developing new revenue from existing satisfied customers is generally easier than developing new customers from scratch.

But the term "cross-selling" is so stale and yesterday. We prefer the trendy upscale approach used in the wine industry to great success: Pairings. Everybody who's anybody now knows to pair Bucatini all'Amatriciana with a bold, big-nosed Cabernet; or goat cheese ravioli with a delicate Viognier; and of course a Nebbiolo with earthy truffle overtones is almost cliché with a gnocchi di patate.

So when selling Polywater products, do the same: go uptown and think haute cuisine: Mister Customer, how about a case of our finest FST Duct Sealant to go with that purchase of PedFloor Structural Foam? It can seal the duct ends in the cabinet to put a fine finish on your new secure installation. Or, Ms. Contractor, how about a dozen canisters of our sweetest Grime-Away Wipes to cleanse hands and tools after that BonDuit install? Or, Monsieur Distributor, as you restock your shelves with Polywater J can I interest you in a to-go carton of our exclusive CableFree Loosener?

The Good Life: gourmet food, fine wine, exquisite Polywater Products, exceptionally large commission checks.

The Joke
                              A Great Idea.   A man was walking down the street when he was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner. The man took out his wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some booze with it instead of dinner?" The homeless man replied, "Oh no, I had to stop drinking years ago," Then the man asked, "Will you spend this on green fees at a golf course instead of food?" The homeless man was incredulous. "Are you nuts?! I haven't played golf in twenty years!" So the man said, "Well, I'm not going to give you money. Instead, I'm going to take you home for a hot shower and a terrific dinner cooked by my wife." The homeless man was astounded. "Won't your wife be furious with you for doing that?" The man replied, "That's okay. It's important for her to see what a man looks like after he quits drinking and playing golf."

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Copyright Š 2015 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 1/30/15

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, sealants, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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