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A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #820

          OSP Magazine published an excellent article in their June 2014 issue entitled "Fiber’s Dirty Secret." It focused on the causes of fiber link failures, with the conclusion that contaminated end-faces were to blame 85% of the time.

After identifying the sources of contamination and the nature of the damage they inflict, the writers then discuss the merits of the two most common methods of good fiber hygiene: dry cleaning and solvent cleaning. Polywater did not participate in the article, nor do we wish to imply that the writers endorse our specific products; however, the article presents a strong case for the use of specially formulated solvents to clean fiber end-faces: "there are now specially formulated solvents for fiber end-face cleaning that are far superior and more effective than IPA at dissolving virtually every contaminant. With a specified lower surface tension, the specialized solvents do a better job of enveloping debris for removal and will dissolve non-ionic compounds, which IPA will not."

While they claim that advanced dry cleaning methods may be effective for cleaning more than 50% of fiber contaminants, they state that, "Most dry cleaning materials are either not good enough to uplift the various types of dirt or greasy contaminants over fiber end-faces, or they can actually introduce static to the fiber ferrule that attracts more dust than before the cleaning started." Solvents offer a better solution for removal of a broad range of fiber contaminants and provide multiple benefits. They dissolve dried contaminants, envelope particles, lift debris from ferrule surfaces, help avoid damage to end-faces, and prevent static charges caused by dry cleaning that can attract dust accumulation.

Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) has been an economical industry standard for years, and Polywater offers a superior quality, 99.8% anhydrous formula for users committed to its use: Type FO. But the article's conclusion supports the use of specialty solvents that are "far superior and more effective than IPA at dissolving virtually every contaminant," less likely to leave residue, and offer faster evaporation rates. Polywater's QuicKleen Fiber Cleaner is such a specialized cleaner.

The article is good tutorial reading for agents selling fiber cleaners, and may support your efforts to promote premium solvents such as QuicKleen for optimal system performance.

The Joke
                              New Element.   The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by researchers. Named "Administratium," it has no protons or electrons, and thus has an atomic weight of 0. However, it does have one neuron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons, and 111 assistant vice neutrons, for an atomic mass of 312. The particles are held together in a nucleus by a force that involves the continuous exchange of particles called morons. With no electrons, Administratium is totally inert. However, it can be detected chemically, since it impedes every reaction it comes into contact with. In testing, a tiny amount of Administratium caused a reaction to take four days to complete; normal reaction time is less than one second. Administratium has a half life of three years, at which time it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which neutrons, vice neutrons, and assistant vice neutrons exchange places. Studies show that the atomic mass usually increases after each reorganization. Research indicates that Administratium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points, such as governmental agencies, large corporations, and universities. It is always found in the newest, best-appointed and best-maintained buildings. Administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reactions where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are ongoing to determine how Administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results are not promising.

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Copyright © 2014 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 7/11/14

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