Friday Fax A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance | ||
Issue #809 |
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          | Polywater Customer Service recently fielded a call about FST Foam Duct Sealant from a Distribution Linemen Superintendent at a large eastern utility. The inquiry included this most excellent question: "Hello, I have a question regarding use of the product on the top of a riser conduit on a pole. I see the use of the two foam wraps with the first wrap being pushed 5" into the conduit for a horizontal installation. Do you recommend the same installation method for vertically mounted riser conduits attached to poles; that is, a foam wrap, a void followed by a second foam wrap with sealant inserted in between? Or, on a vertical conduit, can we do one foam wrap followed by the sealant material alone, without the second foam wrap? All photos I see illustrate a horizontal conduit, none vertically. Thanks." If you picture the clear sample seal shown at left standing on its end, simulating a vertical conduit, you can visualize his question. Is the top damming wrap required, since gravity would tend to keep the expanding FST foam from going too far? The answer is, yes, the second foam damming wrap is required even in vertical installations. The presence of the top wrap restricts the foam expansion, creating critical compression that forces the foam laterally against the duct walls, increasing adhesion. This improves water and gas blocking and pull-out strength. The top damming wrap is needed for an optimal seal. Note that this recommendation applies equally to SolidSeal Duct Plug for communications conduits. Be ready for this question from the field. |
![]() The Joke |
                              | Marriage.   1) A man told his wife, "I don't understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it on your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root, and still be afraid of a spider." 2) A couple listened to their marriage counselor, "For good communication it's essential that you know what things are important to each other." He asked the man, "Can you describe your wife's favorite flower?" The man said to his wife, "It's Pillsbury, isn't it?" 3) A couple drove down a country road for miles, neither talking due to an earlier argument. As they passed a pig farm the man asked, "Relatives of yours?" The wife replied, "Yep ... in-laws." 4) A husband read to his wife a report about how women use 30,000 words a day, and men only 15,000. The wife said, "That's because we have to repeat everything to you." The husband said, "What?" 5) A man said to his wife, "I don't know how you can be so beautiful, yet so stupid." The wife replied, "God made me beautiful so you'd be attracted to me ... and stupid so I'd be attracted to you!" 6) A couple argued about brewing the morning coffee. She said, "You should do it; you get up first. Then we don't have to wait as long." He said, "No, you do the cooking. You should do it. I can wait for my coffee." She replied, "No, you should do it. The Bible says so." He scoffed, "Show me." She fetched the New Testament and pointed to the top of several pages that read: "Hebrews." 7) An old man bought a new convertible. He sped off, accelerating to 80 mph and enjoying the wind in his wispy hair. It was great fun ... until he saw the highway patrol in his rear view mirror, lights flashing and siren blaring. "I can outrun him," he thought, and he floored it. At 120 mph he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this." He stopped and the trooper pulled in behind and walked up to him. "Sir, today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The old man said, "My wife ran off with a state trooper years ago. I thought you were bringing her back." The trooper said, "Sir, have a nice day." |
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