Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #796

          President John Fee once famously told the Polywater sales staff: "No one wants a drill bit; they want a hole." This Marketing Lesson 101 translates in our markets to: "No one wants cable lubricant; they want lower cable pulling tension." They want lower cable installation costs. They want reduced cable damage. They want cable pulled in fast so they can do other things. Don't approach your sales calls with an I-need-to-sell-lubricant mentality. That's how the competitors do it--because they've got nothing else. Instead, open your discussions with questions about the client's cable installation challenges and how we may help them.

Lubricant can be squeezed, slathered, sprayed, blown, wiped, poured, pumped, plopped, slopped or dropped. The key is finding the best approach for a customer's circumstance and preference. A massive pool of scientific research backs up the Polywater Lubricant line and the various methods of application. An example is pumping technology, which is very popular today. We're ready to discuss our long history of studying, developing, and selling various pump types, be they hand-operated, drill-operated or truck-mounted. We can help with our pumping videos, white papers, newsletters, brochures, etc. A good place to start is with our Lubricant Pumping Resources link at the bottom of every Polywater webpage.

Remember that when a customer mentions pumping, they don't really want a pump. What they're saying is that they have an application problem. Pumping is only one possible solution. Polywater can also help with lubricant selection, quantity advice, conduit system design, tension prediction, pull feasibility, compatibility questions, and so much more. Don't just sell them lube; solve their problem.

The Joke
                              More Mixed Metaphors. 1) He was going to town like a house of fire. 2) I came out of the chute on the right foot. 3) I was so excited my heart about fell out of my stomach! 4) I was the mother hen to all these little ducks. 5) I wasn't living under my parents' house anymore. 6) I wish they'd hurry up and get their act in gear. 7) I will miss seeing him around the shoehorn. 8) I'd walk a mile in a camel's shoes to pass through the eye of a needle. 9) I'm getting up on my feedbox here. 10) I'm no Monday morning shortstop. 11) I'm not the brightest bulb in the drawer. 12) I'm not trying to poke holes at anybody. 13) I'm so busy, I don't know whether I'm coming or not. 14) I'm sweating like a stuck pig. 15) I'm tired of being a pawn in your lousy game of checkers! 16) I've been up and down so many times I feel like I'm in a revolving door. 17) I've got an ace up my nose. 18) They might as well take the open door policy and throw it right out the window! 19) If worse comes to shove. 20) If you let that sort of thing go on, your bread and butter will be cut right out from under your feet. 21) Ignorance is golden. 22) In for a dime, in for a dozen. 23) Is that going to throw a wrinkle? 24) That's a whole 'nother bucket of worms. 25) It ain't a pretty sight for the ears. 26) It dawned across my head. 27) It isn't rocket surgery! 28) It kind of defeats the whole point. 29) It looks like the cows have come home to roost. 30) It sent goosebumps up my spine. 31) It sounds good on paper. 32) It will be music to your wallet. 33) It's as plain as the egg on your face. 34) It's as American as killing two birds with one apple pie. 35) It's hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice. 36) He's like a wizard in sheep's clothing. 37) Let's clear up a loose end. 38) Let's make sure we're all talking off the same sheet of music. 39) Let's not put all of our cookies in one basket.

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Copyright © 2014 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 1/24/14

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, sealants, and MRO & construction chemicals.
P.O. Box 53 | Stillwater, MN 55082 USA
1-(651) 430-2270 (Voice) | 1-(651) 430-3634 (Fax)
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