Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #738

          Nuclear power plant safety is no laughing matter, so let's get serious. The recent Fukishima Japan disaster might be an extreme example, but unwanted water in a nuke plant is a no-no. FST Foam Duct Sealant is excellent for preventing problems in nuclear plants due to water ingress through conduits. Power plants are good candidates for large potential FST sales.

First, understand that several nuclear plants already buy FST. Sharon Hindahl compiled a list. She says, "The folks on my FST Nuclear Power Plant Testimonials List have given me approval to use their names. Also, see my ongoing notes ... I'm waiting to get even more approvals. Some plants are installing now!" Share this list with clients, or just drop the names for effect.

Flood mitigation at nuclear power plants is a big deal. The NRC Flood Procedure is just one document on flooding. It lays out the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's expectation for plant preparedness. We're seeing sales of FST as part of the plants' response. We suggest a proactive sales approach to get your share.

Arm yourself with resources on FST and water blocking requirements at power plants, and then call on your local facilities. Let them know that FST Foam meets their needs in sealing water out of conduits and flood barriers. In addition to the two links above, you may find these resources helpful: We expect flood planning to be fairly common, although procedures may vary from plant to plant. We actually did specific testing for Three Mile Island. Please let our Sales and Lab personnel know how they can support you. Your local efforts could earn sweet commissions. Preventing a nuclear disaster is just icing on the cake.

The Joke
                              How To Install a Southern Home Security System.   1) Go to Goodwill and buy a pair of size 16 men's work boots. 2) Place them on the porch, along with copies of "Guns & Ammo Magazine" and "Rifleman Magazine." 3) Put four dog dishes next to the boots and magazines. 4) Leave a note on your door that reads ... "Bubba: Me, Marcel, Ray and Jimmy went for more ammo. Be back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls. They got the mailman this morning and messed him up bad. I don't think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell with all the blood. I locked all four of 'em in the house. Better wait outside. Be right back. --Cooter"

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Copyright © 2012 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 11/30/12

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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