Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #701

Catalog #FC-HOLDER

Catalog #DT-D175

Catalog #AQ-WETDRY1
          Because not every fiber cleaning method best serves the personal preferences, applications, and working conditions of every technician, Polywater offers various fiber cleaning options as part of its AquaKleen, QuicKleen, and FiberKleen product lines. Each option follows Polywater's recommendation for optimal cleaning of ferrules, bulkheads and end faces: to mate chemical solvency with mechanical cleaning by first dissolving contaminants on a component with solvent, and then wiping away loosened contaminants and excess solvent on a dry towel.

Option One is to use Polywater's FiberKleen microfiber towels from the DT-D175 package in the FC-HOLDER for multiple precision cleanings per towel. After inserting wipes in the holder, users then apply solvent to the slots on one side, and do dry wipes on the other side. This is an economical option for high-volume users, allowing up to ten rapid wet/dry cleanings.

Option Two is to simply use the cleaning pad attached to the top of the DT-D175 box itself. Solvent is applied via a finger sprayer or dropper bottle to one spot on the towel, and dry wiping is done on another spot. This is very handy and perfectly suitable when only a few cleanings are required at a time. Keep in mind that either option works with both Polywater fiber cleaning solvents: QuicKleen and AquaKleen.

Option Three is to use the AquaKleen tandem pack (catalog #AQ-WETDRY1). The AQ-WETDRY1 contains two wipes in one foil pouch. One is saturated with AquaKleen Cleaner. The other is dry. This is perfect for low- to medium-volume users who prefer not to tote bulkier boxes, holders, and solvent containers to the job. AQ-WETDRY1 wipes easily fit in pants pockets or wallets.

Explore a customer's specific application and preferences before recommending a Polywater product. In some cases customers may have use for all the options at one time or another. They need to know the options exist.

The Joke
                              Still No Joke.   1) The actual smallest sovereign entity in the world is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (S.M.O.M). It is located in the city of Rome, Italy, has an area of two tennis courts and, as of 2001, has a population of 80 (20 less people than the Vatican. It is a sovereign entity under international law, just as the Vatican is. 2) In the Sahara Desert, there is a town named Tidikelt, Algeria, which did not receive a drop of rain for ten years. 3) Technically though, the driest place on Earth is in the valleys of the Antarctic near Ross Island. There has been no rainfall there for two million years. 4) The dry, cold atmosphere and desolate terrain of Antarctica is where NASA tests spacesuits for eventual use on Mars. 5) Spain literally means "the land of rabbits." 6) St. Paul, Minnesota, was originally called Pig's Eye after a man named Pierre "Pig's Eye" Parrant, who set up the first business there. The name lives on today in Pig's Eye Beer and the Pig's Eye Sewage Treatment Plant on the Mississippi River--the largest in Minnesota. 7) Chances that a road is unpaved: in the U.S.A. = 1%; in Canada = 75%. 8) The deepest hole ever drilled by man is the Kola Superdeep Borehole, in Russia. It reached a depth of 12,261 meters (about 40,226 feet or 7.62 miles). It was drilled for scientific research and gave up some unexpected discoveries, one of which was a huge deposit of hydrogen so massive that the mud coming from the hole was boiling with it. 9) The Eisenhower Interstate Highway System requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies. 10) The water of Angel Falls (the world's highest waterfall) in Venezuela drops 3,212 feet (979 meters)--15 times higher than Niagara Falls.

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Copyright © 2012 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 3/16/12

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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