Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #685

Polywater founder Nelson Jonnes passes.
Polywater founder Nelson Jonnes passes.
Polywater founder Nelson Jonnes passes.
Nelson Jonnes 1926-2011
          It is with heavy heart that we share the news that Polywater founder Nelson Jonnes has died at the age of 85 after a long series of illnesses. Born the son, grandson, and great-grandson of physicians in Circleville, Ohio, Nels served in the Navy (1944 to 1947) and then graduated from Antioch College where he developed a life-long passion for science and education. As a teacher and inventor Nels went on to create 22 patents and led several entrepreneurial adventures, including his most successful: 38-year-old American Polywater.

Antioch president and Massachusetts legislator Horace Mann famously said: "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Nels took this message from his alma mater seriously, and devoted his life to making the world a better place for his having been there. As friends, family, and employees will attest, Nelson Jonnes would have made Horace Mann very proud. He will be missed.

Nels sold his interest in Polywater to current management in 1988, but stayed on in an R&D consulting role. Following is how the Friday Fax described him when he finally retired in 2008 at age 81:

As some long-time Polywater reps will recall and others may know from reading the Polywater History page, Polywater® was invented 35 years ago by Nelson Jonnes. Frustrated that his many other patents were languishing with his employer and weren't receiving the attention they deserved to become huge sellers, the young research chemist struck off on his own with the Polywater patent. American Polywater was born. Mr. Jonnes founded his fledgling company with lofty growth goals and based it on two simple principles:
  1. Use superior chemistry to develop products that solve problems. He believed that if we offered better molecules, a revenue stream would flow as a matter of course.
  2. Treat people fairly. This starts with the employees, who are the heart of the organization, but extends to reps, distributors, and customers as well.
Nels had a low tolerance for liars, manipulators, bullies, and phonies. If one happened to make it into his employ, they were either converted or encouraged to move on. The Company--now employee-owned--has evolved with this foundation to be a place where generally nice people stay a long time and work very hard. They've created products and a reputation to be proud of. The result has transformed the industry and advanced cable installation technology immeasurably.

Nels is an extraordinary fellow. A relative once gave him a gift of personalized pens that read, "Nelson Jonnes: entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, orator, chairman, traveler, and teacher." This was no joke. The fact is, Nels is all that and more. His life experience reads like that of a fictional superhero: science teacher, mutual fund salesman, big game hunter, chemist, world traveler, Navy sonarman, Ethiopian "ambassador", athlete, inventor, historian, geologist, musician, philosopher, certified scuba instructor, and more. His advancing age has never been a barrier. Last year Nels won a bronze medal in table tennis at the Senior Olympics--at age 80--and is going for the gold in 2009. He continues to devour more books in a year than many readers do in a lifetime. And he's still in school, now seeking a degree in grease technology. Recently he's returned to a favorite pastime: model ship building (often from scratch!) His latest is an ancient Greek "trireme" warship worthy of The Battle of Salamis. All associates of American Polywater owe Nels a debt of gratitude for a fine legacy and ideals worth striving for.

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Copyright © 2011 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 11/18/11

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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