Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #677

RBG versus Detergent
          It's amazing how effective a cleaner can be when it's specifically formulated to perform within a narrow range of parameters. Case in point is Polywater's Rubber Goods Cleaner (also known as RBG for short).

The attached RBG Test Report from an Asian utility company summarizes the use of Polywater Rubber Goods Cleaner on a rubber safety jacket--with dramatic visual results. The test pitted RBG's effectiveness against a generic detergent cleaner commonly used to clean rubber goods. The heavily soiled jacket was sprayed on one side with RBG, and on the other with the detergent. Both cleaners were allowed to soak for 5 minutes before wiping. As the pictures clearly show, the difference between the two cleaners was huge. What had taken more than a half hour to scrub off with detergent now came off easily in 5 minutes with RBG.

Recall that in cleaning rubber goods, effectiveness in grime removal isn't the only consideration. The solvent must not interact with or degrade the rubber item it cleans. Solvents exist that clean typical electrical grimes off rubber goods as well as--if not better than--RBG, but they damage the rubber in the process, shortening the life of the component--and maybe the user! This is why the tested detergent was being used. It wasn't an effective cleaner, but it was safe on the rubber materials. RBG is better; it's safe and effective.

The rubber safety jacket used in the test may not be common in other parts of the world, but the proof it provides in RBG's universal cleaning excellence can be applied globally. Feel free to share this report with those looking for a better expenditure of their rubber goods maintenance time.

The Joke
                              Actual Sign Posted at a Golf Club in Scotland.  
  1. Back straight, knees bent, feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Form a loose grip.
  3. Keep your head down!
  4. Avoid a quick back swing.
  5. Stay out of the water.
  6. Try not to hit anyone.
  7. If you are taking too long, let others go ahead of you.
  8. Don't stand directly in front of others.
  9. Quiet please ... while others are preparing.
  10. Don't take extra strokes.
Well done. Now, flush the urinal, wash your hands, and go outside and tee off.

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Copyright © 2011 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 9/23/11

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