Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #652

Fast-evaporating and residue-free Type KC™ contact cleaner has no flash point and is non-flammable.
          Polywater's Type KC Electrical Cable & Equipment Cleaner in the 16-fluid-ounce can (catalog #KC-16) is a wildly successful product with significant sales to happy, repeat customers. It should be a major contributor in our product line for years to come.

And its little sister 6-oz package, catalog #KC-4? Not so much. Due to low sales volume and rising cost the KC-4 package is being phased out. Current inventory levels of the KC-4 will likely satisfy sales needs through most of 2011, getting us close to our next price sheet release date, when we'll formally discontinue the package. This does NOT affect the popular KC-16 package, which will continue to be available.

Type KC has many uses, one of which is as a contact cleaner. A Web search for contact cleaners quickly reveals why Type KC is so popular. Here are actual examples of typical contact cleaner warnings: "Keep this product off plastic surfaces. The product will ruin any plastic it comes into contact with." ... and ... "Contact cleaner is extremely flammable." Yes, plastics compatibility and flammability are problematic for many commercially available contact cleaners. But not so with Type KC. This is the main reason for its sales success. Fast-evaporating and residue-free KC has no flash point and is non-flammable (bonus: it's also non-carcinogenic!). It won't attack or degrade sensitive plastics and will not corrode metals. It is essentially non-conductive.

KC is a high-performance product for the innumerable situations where flammable products are forbidden by policy or good judgment, or where the high cost of degraded plastic components justifies a compatible premium cleaner. For situations where plastics compatibility and flammability are less of a concern than price, we offer the more economical--and flammable--Type FD Contact Cleaner option. Good sales reps will drill down with appropriate questions to help customers determine which cleaner is suitable for their application.

So why didn't the small KC-4 can catch on? Not enough of a good thing. That's our conclusion.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Beware of the New Breeds of Computer Virus Strains.   1) LEWINSKI VIRUS: Sucks all the memory out of your computer, then emails everyone about it. 2) MIKE TYSON VIRUS: Quits after one byte. 3) OPRAH WINFREY VIRUS: Your 300MB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 100MB, and then slowly expands to 200MB. 4) DR JACK KEVORKIAN VIRUS: Deletes all old files. 5) ELLEN DEGENERES VIRUS: You can no longer insert disks into your computer. 6) TITANIC VIRUS: Your whole computer goes down. 7) DISNEY VIRUS: Everything in your computer goes goofy. 8) PROZAC VIRUS: Screws up your RAM, but your processor doesn't care. 9) ARNOLD SCHWARZNEGGER VIRUS: Terminates some files, leaves, but it'll be back. 10) LORENA BOBBIT VIRUS: Turns your hard drive into a 3.5 inch floppy. 11) VIAGRA VIRUS: Turns your 3.5 inch floppy into a hard drive.

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Copyright © 2011 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 4/1/11

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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