Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #642

          The Friday Fax will soon return to imparting valuable product knowledge, however, we couldn't resist one more revealing look at the make-up of the Polywater employee base. The Christmas party featured a game called "Truth Be Told," where teams competed to guess the closest percentage of yes answers to a previously administered anonymous questionnaire. How the teams did is irrelevant; the questionnaire answers provide the insight. Following are the results, and the Editor's commentary:
  • 68% double dip their potato chips -- the other 32% thank them for the flu!
  • 68% have cheated on a test -- new lie-detector test: watch how they eat potato chips!
  • 24% have won more than $500 in a night of gambling -- amazing what $2500 in chips, travel, and bar tabs will get you!
  • 24% have fibbed on a tax return -- that's right, the bar tab is not deductible.
  • 24% have kissed someone of the same sex, other than family -- ten bucks says it was the blackjack dealer.
  • 76% have gone commando for a day -- time to revisit the policy manual.
  • 64% lost their virginity before age 18 -- 100% of them are liars; they know exactly where their virginity went!
  • 64% have been in a fist fight -- Minnesota, where the men are men and the women are too.
  • 64% have had a one-night stand -- I'm thinking maybe it's all the same 64%?
  • 60% have gone skinny dipping -- the other 40% wear underpants in the shower.
  • 60% have flashed someone -- what a bunch of crazy exhibitionists!
  • 72% pick their nose -- so what, the other 28% hire it out?
  • 52% sleep in the nude -- always wear to bed what you want the firemen to see you in.
  • 52% have been on TV -- shown hiding by the fire truck with their naughty bits blurred out.
  • 80% believe that aliens exist -- the other 20% don't even believe Mexico exists.
  • 48% have driven faster than 100 mph -- the other 52% were too drunk to remember!
  • 96% drank alcohol before their 18th birthday -- I rest my case.
  • 32% have secretly watched someone while they changed or showered -- Houston, we have a problem.
  • 44% have cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend -- correlating closely to the Corporate divorce rate.
  • 88% have peed in the shower -- so ... we'd probably be cleaner staying dirty.
  • 20% have gone more than a week without bathing -- others have come to the same conclusion.
  • 48% have gone hitchhiking -- hmm, we could save some money on the travel budget.
  • 36% have stolen a street sign -- I swear to Gawd, Officer, the wind blew it into my open car window.
  • 36% have forgotten their mother's birthday -- after the drunken one-night stand with the fist fight and stolen sign.
  • 36% have spent a night in jail -- their one phone call went to the bondsman, not to wish Mom happy birthday.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Good Short Ones. 1) A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat. "Are you crazy?" yelled the customer, "Your hand is on my steak!" The waiter answers, "What, you want it to fall on the floor again?" 2) The teacher asked little Johnny if he knew what Roe vs. Wade was about. Johnny answered that he thought it was the famous decision George Washington had to make when he decided to cross the Delaware. 3) Ole appeared with five other men in a rape case police line-up. As the victim entered the room, Ole blurted, "Yep, dat's her!" 4) The Swedes invented the toilet seat. Twenty years later the Norwegians invented the hole in it.

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Copyright © 2011 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 1/21/11

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