Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #636

Recommended stock orders for both the electrical and communications divisions.
          Last week's price change broadcast included links to our latest Recommended Electrical Distributor Stocking Order and Recommended Communications Distributor Stocking Order. These valuable sales tools were buried deep inside a lot of other information in the notice and were likely overlooked by a number of recipients. Thus, we make them available again here. The two main points of these suggested stocking orders are to remind distributors to:
  • Buy enough Polywater® product to earn freight allowance at the new higher $500 minimum level.
  • Use newer non-lube products such as Grime-Away, FST Foam, BonDuit®, CableFree®, PowerPatch®, MRO aerosols, SqueekyKleen, etc., to easily reach that order level.
There is compelling math to help with their order size decision. Say a distributor plans to order $400 of lube, which is no longer freight paid after January 1st. They can either ... a) pay an additional ~$125 in freight charges, or b) order an additional $100 of very salable product and avoid the freight charges all together. The closer they get to $500, the more substantial the savings.

When reviewing last year's sales we see countless orders that could qualify for freight allowance this year by the addition of only one or two cases of product. This is a huge opportunity for representatives to walk distributors through the options and show them significant savings while broadening the shelf presence of the full product line. Our newly updated photo of the floor-standing display rack loaded with multiple products can also help you toward this end. Wise salespeople will arm themselves with both the rack image and suggested stock order sheet when making distributor calls.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              When Blondes Win. A blonde goes into a restaurant for a cup of coffee, and as she's sitting there she notices there's a "peel and win" sticker on her cup. So she peels it off and starts screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!" The waitress strolls over and says, "I'm afraid that's impossible, ma'am. The biggest prize is a free lunch." But the blonde keeps on screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!" Finally, the manager comes over and says, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. You couldn't have possibly won a motorhome because we didn't have that as a prize!" The blonde says, "No, it's not a mistake. I've won a motorhome!" And she hands the ticket to the manager and he reads: "W I N A B A G E L."

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Copyright © 2010 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 12/3/10

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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1-(651) 430-2270 (Voice) | 1-(651) 430-3634 (Fax)
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