Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #621

          At the 1968 Democratic National Convention members of the "SDS" (Students for a Democratic Society) and radical "Yippies" (Youth International Party), whose black flag insignia was a green pot leaf overlaying a red star, descended on the Windy City to protest the Vietnam War and other "Pig" activities. There the 15,000 protestors--some of whom carried bags of urine for dispensing on law enforcement--met Mayor Richard Daley and a small army of zealous police officers and Illinois National Guard anxious to demonstrate their version of law and order with tear gas, billy clubs, mace, and other "Gestapo tactics" (according to Connecticut Senator Abraham Ribicoff). It was a bad deal. Hundreds were injured and arrested in the mayhem that ensued. SDS and Yippie leaders were charged with conspiracy and incitement to riot, and became known as the Chicago Seven. The mayor and police also came under heavy criticism, particularly in the media; a number of on-scene reporters were inadvertently beaten to a pulp in the melee.

Flash forward 42 years and we see Robb Ziegler and Tom Fredericks of Polywater's Electrical Division descend on the Windy City where they conspired with Rick Sapyta of Becker Sales Co., who is also a leading member of the "SDSIIPP" (Sales Agents for a Democratic Society with Infrastructure Installed with Polywater Products). Their goal was to protest the deployment of inferior competitive products and incite a riotous increase in Polywater sales. Their tactics included forceful-yet-peaceful demonstrations of product superiority at seven Chitown rallying points, described coincidently by Rick as the Chicago Seven. These locations were at the offices of the seven largest industrial and DOT contractors in the area. Reports indicate that, thanks to Rick's excellent strategic trip planning and the might of his righteous message, the Polywater agenda was advanced. The only injuries were to the competition. Yippee! Let's hope this time Rick and our other young industrial activists were able to achieve their goals without any inappropriate dispensing of urine.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Bird Crimes. A biker is riding his Harley-Davidson along a quiet country road in Arizona when a sparrow suddenly flies in front of him. The biker can't do anything to avoid impact and hits the sparrow with his windshield. As he looks in the rear view mirror, the biker sees the sparrow lying in the road, clinging to life. He stops, picks up the unconscious bird, puts it in his leather coat pocket, and brings it home. He places the sparrow, which is still in a coma, into his bird cage alongside his pet finch. When the sparrow wakes up from his coma the next morning, it looks through the bars of the cage and says, "Good Gawd! I'm in prison!" The finch says, "Yep. What are you in for?" The sparrow says, "Vehicular homicide. I must have killed that biker." After a short pause the sparrow asks the finch, "So, what are you in for?" The finch says, "I've never been formally charged, but I got nabbed while migrating; I think it's for illegal immigration."

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Copyright © 2010 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 8/20/10

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