Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #617

Polywater welcomes Robb Ziegler as its new Regional Sales Manager for the Electrical Division's Central U.S. territory.
          Polywater welcomes Robb Ziegler as its new Regional Sales Manager for the Electrical Division's Central U.S. territory. Robb's first day was July 16th. Robb has big shoes to fill, replacing recent retiree Dave Schumacher, but we think he has what it takes. If not, he can probably get it; he was a salesperson in the pharmaceutical industry over the last 13 years. Robb grew up in Forest Lake, Minnesota, but now resides in bucolic Hugo, Minnesota with his wife Laura and 15-year-old son Luke (Luke and Laura? Robb must be a big "General Hospital" fan. Or was it "As The Stomach Turns"?). During his stint in pharmaceuticals Robb made a name for himself ("Ziggy") selling the likes of:
  • ACTIQ -- An opiate for pain. Clear enough.
  • IVIG -- Robb describes it as a "bubble boy med." We're not sure what that means, but assume it was a big seller at birthday parties and the like.
  • PROVIGIL -- Robb claims it, "Keeps you awake. Makes you smarter." He led a personal crusade trying to convert meth heads from their drug of choice, which unfortunately "Keeps you awake. Makes you dumber."
Robb claims he can name the capital of every country in the world (Say, Robb, can I get some of that Provigil?), and we bet he can rattle off the list of side effects for those drugs like nobody's business. He's going to be a real treat to ride with on those 3-hour car trips to remote sales calls. Robb also enjoys reading historical nonfiction, camping, golfing, running, and beer (another "bubble boy med"). Robb has a lot of energy (or can get it) and is excited about joining our company. His lubricant, cleaner, and sealant indoctrination has begun in earnest, although it will be another week or two before the pins are removed from his eyelids, allowing him to blink again. Then he hits the road for a series of sales trips with fellow soap opera fan Tom Fredericks. Look for him in a town near you soon. Like Tom, we hope and expect that Robb will have a career with Polywater as long and prolific as his idol, Susan Lucci.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Softball in Heaven. Two old women, Rose and Barb, had been friends all of their lives. When it was clear that Rose was dying, Barb visited her every day. One day Barb said, "Rose, we both loved playing women's softball all our lives, and we played all through High School. Please do me one favor: when you get to Heaven, somehow you must let me know if there's women's softball there." Rose looked up at Barb from her deathbed and said, "Barb, you've been my best friend for many years. If it's at all possible, I'll do this favor for you." Shortly after that, Rose passed on. A few nights later, Barb was awakened from a sound sleep by a blinding flash of white light and a voice calling out to her, "Barb, Barb." Sitting up suddenly, Barb said, "Who is it?" The voice said, "It's me, Rose." Barb was skeptical. "You're not Rose. Rose just died." The voice insisted, "I'm telling you, it's me, Rose," Barb said, "Where are you?" Rose said, "In Heaven. I have some really good news and a little bad news." Barb said, "Tell me the good news first." Rose said, "The good news is that there's softball in Heaven. Better yet, all of our old buddies who died before us are here, too. Better than that, we're all young again. Better still, it's always springtime, and it never rains or snows. And best of all, we can play softball all we want, and we never get tired." Barb said, "That's fantastic. It's beyond my wildest dreams! So what's the bad news?" Rose said, "You're pitching Tuesday."

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Copyright © 2010 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 7/23/10

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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