Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #613

Domestic purchase orders can be emailed to Polywater at Email sent to this address bypasses intermediate personnel, where orders could be delayed, and instead goes directly to the person who enter new orders into the accounting system.
          You might know this: Although there were irregular deliveries of U.S. mail via airplane as early as 1911, regularly scheduled air mail service began in the U.S. in 1918. Numerous famous pilots served in the Air Mail Service, including aviation pioneer Charles Lindbergh, who joined in 1926. Despite flimsy planes and unpredictable weather, air mail greatly speeded the delivery of mail, and is still one of the fastest methods of transmitting purchase orders today. There is a faster way, though. Orders can still fly through the air, but they don't need pilots--or even planes. It's called "email."

But did you know this? Domestic purchase orders should be emailed to Polywater at Email sent to this address bypasses intermediate personnel (where orders could be delayed) and instead goes directly to the person who enters new orders into the accounting system. Even though this employee is forbidden to take vacation, the address is monitored by others in the same department to avoid any delay or disruption caused by illness or other absences. We tell you this because many agents and customers send orders to Polywater's default email address at While that works, it should be noted that this address is on every letterhead, business card, web page, and product flyer we have ... and has been for many, many years. The result is that it receives a high volume of traffic. One person is assigned to scan through the wide variety of inquiries (mostly spam, naturally) and distribute accordingly within the operation. This can cause delay. We don't like delay. Our customers don't like delay. You can avoid delay and low-flying birds by having your customers use the address.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Jay Leno Gets Political.   1) As a result of the Times Square bomber, the Department of Homeland Security has instituted a new policy regarding the no-fly list. They're actually going to start reading it now. 2) Do you know who will be in charge of healthcare? The IRS. You thought getting audited was bad? Wait until your next prostate exam. 3) A man in France was arrested today for using his car to run down a pedestrian he thought was Osama bin Laden. Even though it was a mistake, it still ranks as France's biggest military victory ever. 4) A California state senator has proposed lowering the voting age to 14. Three words for people who think this is a good idea: Governor Jessica Simpson. 5) California lawmakers are now proposing an amendment that would allow 14-year-olds a quarter vote and 16-year-olds half a vote in all state elections. How stupid is this? Don’t we have enough trouble counting whole votes? How are we gonna figure out fractions? 6) A study claims that by next year obesity will be the number one killer in America. Can you believe that? We're turning into a nation of Clinton girlfriends. 7) After failing to win a single state on Tuesday, John Edwards described his campaign as "The Little Engine That Could." And afterwards, Bush called him and said, "You're not going to believe this but I'm reading that book right now!" 8) John Edwards based his campaign on the fact that there are two Americas, one for the wealthy and one for everyone else. And after his speech, he thanked everyone else and went back to the America for the wealthy. 9) There are rumors that Cheney will be replaced, but President Bush is very loyal. He's standing by him, but I don't know how sincere that is. I understand every day, Bush buys Cheney a large cheese and pepperoni pizza. 10) A lot of people are upset and wondering why President Obama is willing to sit down with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but not BP CEO Tony Hayward. I think Obama is afraid. Ahmadinejad only threatened to destroy the world, and Hayward is actually doing it.

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Copyright © 2010 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 6/25/10

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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