Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #601

Polywater's new Lubricating Cable with Pumps and Applicators video uses field footage to demonstrate the advantages of using pumps and other equipment to apply lube to cable and conduit in pulling situations.
          This week we introduce the third of our four new Lubricant Application Videos.   The video, entitled "Lubricating Cable with Pumps and Applicators," uses field footage to demonstrate the advantages of pumps and other equipment to apply lube to cable and conduit in pulling situations.   Pumps and accessories help automate the application of lubricant, cutting labor and eliminating mess and waste.   The 4-minute clip covers the different types of Polywater pumps available: the hand-operated LP-3 for 5-gallon pails, and the drill-operated LP-D5 for pails and drums.   It offers tips on calculating appropriate pumping speeds and explains how regulating lubricant flow rates can ensure consistent coating.   The section on accessories shows Polywater's hook adapters and flexible cable guides that allow hands-free lube application, and discusses other lubricating collar devices available on the market.   Repeated use of this video will pump up your sales and increase the flow rate of commissions.

The new FST-250 makes a great point-of-purchase display product for distributors. The FST artwork is inserted in FST-250 Foam Duct Sealant kits. The kits are packaged in clear plastic bags that can hang from a distributor's pegboard hook or stand on shelves.
          The new FST-250 makes a great Point-of-Purchase Display Product for distributors.   This FST Artwork is inserted in FST-250 Foam Duct Sealant kits.   The kits are packaged in clear plastic bags that can hang from a distributor's pegboard hook or stand on shelves (or our rack).   All of the advertising is on the front of the package, making an eye-grabbing POP.   And there's more distributor news.   Graybar is receiving a 5% discount off FST-250 orders through April 30 and has stepped up its support by stocking it at 5 zone locations and advertising it to sales and counter personnel company wide.   This is an excellent chance to write business at your Graybar locations.   They do not need to write a CRP and all items have been entered at corporate, so NSRs will sail through the system!   A-D is also doing a promotional blitz to their distributor affiliates.   And ElectricSmarts is sending out a huge email broadcast on the package.   What a great time to take advantage of the increased commission rate!

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Anniversary Gift.   Out shopping, I find the 100,000-volt Pocket Tazer Stun Gun.   The gift of safety for a petite wife?   Perfect--I buy it.   Taking only two AAA batteries, I decide to test it on a live target before relying on it to protect my wife against muggers.   Home alone in shorts, I sat with my reading glasses on my nose, directions in one hand, tazer in the other.   The directions said to use a one-second burst to disorient an assailant; two seconds for muscle spasms and loss of bodily control; and three seconds to make attackers drop and do the crappie.   I'm thinking, "This little thing?"   I considered the cat.   No, better not.   What happened next is almost beyond description.   I decided to give myself a one-second burst.   I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and ... HOLY MOTHER OF WMDs!   It was like Hulk Hogan picked me up and body slammed me over and over again.   I vaguely recall waking in the fetal position, teary-eyed, sweat-soaked, legs tingling, nipples afire, private parts missing, with an arm tucked under me in an odd position!   The terrified cat was making a sound I'd never heard before, clinging to a picture frame over the fireplace.   Here's the problem: there's no such thing as a one-second burst when you zap yourself!   You can't let go until it's dislodged by your own violent thrashing!   I collected my fried wits and sat up to survey the damage.   My bent glasses were on the mantel near the cat.   My recliner was upside down, eight feet away.   My triceps, thighs, and nipples were still twitching.   My face felt like it was full of Novocain, and my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs.   I was drooling uncontrollably.   I saw a puff of smoke above my head, presumably from my hair.   Later, after the numbness waned and my sense of smell returned, I learned that I'd soiled my shorts.   Thankfully, my privates eventually descended again, and my wife loves the gift (and hearing about my experience).   She threatens me with it regularly!

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Copyright © 2010 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 4/2/10

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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1-(651) 430-2270 (Voice) | 1-(651) 430-3634 (Fax)
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