Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #578

SqueekyKleen™ Fiber Cleaner prices on all bulk packages were dropped to at least 15% below D'gel™ distributor prices.
          When you get to the nub of it all, Sales Obstacles typically fall into three general categories:
  1. I don't like your product.
  2. I don't like your price.
  3. I don't like you.
One of the frustrations of being a sales agent in the telcom market is that the products in your line are usually either high-performance and high-priced, or low-priced and low quality.   You're always working to justify the high price or excuse poor performance.   Rarely do you enjoy the luxury of selling superior products at low prices.

Here's your chance.   Polywater has recently gone to great lengths to share the extensive documentation and end-user testimonials proving the performance superiority of SqueekyKleen Fiber Cleaner.   So we can rule out number one as a factor to any lost sale.   Remember that we dropped our prices on all bulk packages so that we're at least 15% below D'gel distributor prices.   The towelette packages were always cost competitive.   That rules out number two.   With a superior product and competitive pricing (in a tough economy where customers are desperate for savings), we're in the best position ever to change end users to SqueekyKleen.

We refuse to believe that number three could apply to a Polywater rep.   If the sales aren't happening for you, it's likely due to either a failure to even try--are you making the calls?--or you're failing to deploy the proper sales tools, such as the performance documentation and new price sheets mentioned above.   Remember that the Price Fairy won't boink your customers with her wand and magically infuse them with the knowledge of lower SqueekyKleen prices.   That's your job.

Ha!   And in case you planned to use the excuse that we don't offer adequate package options, don't.   We're introducing two new packages--a 65-count canister, similar to the Grime-Away canister; and a 42-wipe dispenser pack.   Samples of each are en route to telcom reps.   The canister is available with solvent or dry, so we can provide dry towels with our bulk solvent.   This unique canister contains the same towelette material used in the TC-1 individual wipe.   It is the combination of the best towel with the ultimate solvent--at the lowest price--that makes SqueekyKleen the best cleaner in the market.   Don't be the guy who can't sell it.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Examples of Hyperbole.   Elementary school kids asked to define hyperbole offer these examples:   1) "Your sister's so skinny, she has to run around in the shower to get wet."   2) "Your sister is so dumb, she walked by the YMCA and thought they spelled MACY'S wrong."   3) "My history teacher is so old, he lived through everything we've learned about ancient Greece."   4) "I think of you a million times a day."   5) "The test was so hard, by the time I finished it I was 100 years old!"   6) "Saskatchewan is so flat, you can see your dog run away for 4 days!"   7) "Your momma is so dumb, she got locked in the grocery store and starved to death!"   8) "Your momma is so dumb, she thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phone company."   9) "It was so cold, even the polar bears were wearing jackets."   10) "Our library is so old, its book pages are numbered with roman numerals ... written by the Romans!"   11) "My girlfriend is so popular, she has her own 900 number."   12) "That boy's eyes are so big, they look like they're going to jump out and grab you!"   1) "My best friend is so forgetful, I sometimes have to remind her what her name is!"   1) "The Eiffel Tower is so big, when I looked up I nearly got whiplashed!"

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Copyright © 2009 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 10/16/09

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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