Grocers learned eons ago that Twinkies last a long time, but that stocking up on, say, a month's supply of milk or fresh meat can be a bad idea. A three-day supply is better, especially when refrigerated. The same logic applies to any product with a shelf life, including Polywater products, although the time involved may differ. The rapid sales growth of APC's line of Sealants and Adhesives makes remembering this fact particularly important in dealing with customers. AirRepair, PowerPatch, BonDuit, and FST Foam Sealant are all examples of "reactive" products; one part chemically reacts with another to produce the desired effect. Packaging prevents these reactions from occurring until the chosen moment. However, the parts can degrade over time and--most problematic--can react in undesirable ways if exposed to moisture, air, heat, or sunlight before mixing. The result is weaker seals and sales (anagrammatically speaking). Polywater uses the best packaging and procedures known to minimize this. Inventories are kept low to ensure high turnover and fresh product. The most susceptible components are capped with a "plug" insert and then nitrogen purged before sealing to further prevent contact with air and water. But Nature is very persistent, and we can't control how customers store their goods. Therefore, with sealants and adhesives, resist the urge to ask for the largest possible order. Rather, discuss projected usage and encourage distributors and/or end users to place smaller, more frequent orders to increase turnover. Never buy more milk than you can drink in a week--or more AirRepair, PowerPatch, BonDuit, or FST Foam than you can use in, say, 3 or 4 months. |