Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #566

A sixth positive testimonial is available online at the PowerPatch® Field Reports webpage, and you may find it useful in selling other potential users.
          Clydesdale Ltd, representing Polywater in the UK, received an excellent PowerPatch Testimonial from EDF Energy Contracting, who was servicing a leaky, privately owned 11 kV transformer that had to stay in service for many months.   A viable field repair was critically important.   EDF reported that, "The instructions and examples on the internet show the kit being used on small holes in the tank, but this leak was coming from a seal on the drain valve.   This, however, did not cause any problems, the kit was easily applied following the supplied instructions and everything needed was found in the kit.   We were impressed with how easy it was to apply and how quickly the process was over.   From the outset it looked quite effective, the seal looked good and the drain valve remained operable.   The PowerPatch Kit has now been in use for 10 weeks and so far there has not been a trace of oil from the leak.   This has solved both of the issues highlighted before and has given us another option when we discover oil leaks other than the need for intrusive maintenance."   The full report is available online at the PowerPatch Field Reports webpage.   It's the sixth positive testimonial you may find useful with other customers.

The latest issue of the Bits! Newsletter went out recently to introduce the new Pull-Planner™ 3000 to communications distributors.
          The latest issue of the Bits! Newsletter went out recently to introduce the new Pull-Planner 3000 to communications distributors.   A virtually identical Juice! Newsletter went to electrical distributors, since the software functions in both markets.   Our PR campaign on the latest Pull-Planner version is a methodical one.   We're not Microsoft here; we only notify as many users as we can support when the inevitable questions come rolling in about cable pulling science, hardware or software compatibility, potential bugs, and "How do I turn on my computer?"   With the distributors duly notified we'll now move on to small email broadcasts targeting current users who may want to upgrade, and then to our extensive database of contacts who've shown interest in the software over the years but never purchased.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              It Could Happen.   1) The famous Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced Peek-A-Boo) isn't just an athlete.   She's now a nurse working at the Intensive Care Unit of a big city hospital.   She isn't permitted to answer the hospital telephones.   It caused too much confusion when she'd answer the phone and say, "Picabo, ICU."   2) A man convicted of having sex with a prostitute against her will--which the jury considered rape--stood before the judge for sentencing.   He pleaded for leniency on the grounds that his actions should be considered shoplifting.   3) A man was bothered by an old aunt who kept coming up to him at weddings, poking him in the ribs and saying, "You're next."   She finally stopped after he said the same thing to her at a funeral.   4) A girl asked her mom where humans came from.   Mom said, "God made Adam and Eve and they had children and many grandkids."   Later the girl asked her dad the same question.   Dad said, "Many years ago smart monkeys evolved into humans."   The confused girl went to her mom and said, "Mom, why did you tell me God created humans?   Dad said we came from monkeys."   Mom said, "I told you about my side of the family and your Dad told you about his."

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Copyright © 2009 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 7/24/09

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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1-(651) 430-2270 (Voice) | 1-(651) 430-3634 (Fax)
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