Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #550

Pull-Planner™ 3000 Tutorial #4 is on Cable Clearance.
          Like hot-air balloon pilots, electrical conduit system designers and the cable installers who follow must check for Cable Clearance.   In ballooning, cable clearance is the planning needed to avoid the deadly power lines.   In the realm of cable pulling, cable clearance is the distance measurement between the cable(s) and conduit wall.   This leads us into Pull-Planner 3000 tutorial #4.   A 2-inch OD cable in a 3-inch ID duct yields a 1-inch clearance.   Two 2-inch cables in a 3-inch duct yield a negative 1-inch clearance--in other words, they won't fit.   It's that simple.   Well, almost.   Duct ovalization at bends, temperature expansion, and obstructions can add complexity.   However, the clearance concept is so basic that the PP3KW software doesn't supply a number.   Instead it does the calculation and simply warns the user to "check clearance" when impossible pulls are being planned.   It's a helpful check system to save the designer time wasted on errant input.   Maybe someday they'll install computers onboard balloons.   Our next PP3KW lesson tackles the cousin of cable clearance: "conduit fill."

The Polywater office move last week went off without a hitch.
          The Polywater office move last week went off without a hitch (literally, since no trailers were involved).   However, we do wish to report that an APC employee was overheard making a comment that will likely add to the modern office lexicon--which is already populated with great terms such as blamestorming, prairie dogging, and downsizing.   The new term is "file bulimia" ... the process of thinning out the amount of material need to transport in an office move by purging unnecessary files into trash bins:   Also known as bins and purge.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              More School -- 1959 vs. 2009.

1) Billy breaks a neighbor's window and his dad gives him a whipping.
1959 -- Billy is more careful next time.
2009 -- Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse.   Billy is removed to foster care, joins a gang.   State psychologist convinces Billy's sister that she, too, was abused.   Dad goes to prison.   Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.

  2) Mark has a headache and brings aspirin to school.
1959 -- Mark shares aspirin with Principal in the hall.
2009 -- Police are called and search his car for drugs and weapons.   Mark is expelled for drug violations.

  3) Johnny uses leftover 4th of July firecrackers to blow up an ant hill.
1959 - Ants die.
2009 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called.   Johnny charged with terrorism, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, FBI investigates parents, Dad goes on a terror watch list and is banned from flying.

  4) Johnny falls during recess and scrapes his knee.   Teacher Mary finds him crying and hugs him to comfort him.
1959 - Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2009 - Mary is charged as a sexual predator, loses her job, and faces 3 years in prison.   Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

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Copyright © 2009 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 4/3/09

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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