Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #545

The Rat Patrol, circa 1966
          In 1966 ABC Television first aired a weekly war series called The Rat Patrol.   It featured a motley crew of army toughs bouncing over the dunes of North Africa in open jeeps mounted with .50 caliber machine guns, killing ridiculously large numbers of evil Nazi Field Marshall Rommel's vaunted Afrika Korps.   Despite the rather preposterous storylines and unfortunate timing (released during the increasingly unpopular Vietnam War), the series was a huge success and managed to survive for nearly 3 years, with 58 episodes produced.   This is because most young males yearn to wear cool hats and take wild rides in heavily armed jeeps, blowing up tanks and other armored vehicles with impunity.   The relevance of this to APC now follows ...

ESP's Counter Attack, circa 2009
          Fast forward 43 years to 2009 and life begins to imitate art.   Pete Marzahl Jr.--President of Electric Sales Professionals, APC's representative in Arizona and New Mexico--is an ex-Army tough who loves to blast Motley Crue and cruise the sands of Arizona in an open pick-up truck mounted with an extraordinary, high-caliber marketing weapon he calls "Counter Attack."   Pete--who operates under the code name "Eagle 1"--describes it this way:

"In an effort to bring our products to the end users and distributors, we have fabricated a mobile display.   Armed with this, one or two folding tables, an easy-up tarp, and some refreshments, we will be going to job sites, contractors' shops, and sponsoring distributor counter days showcasing the features and benefits of our products.   It is 4' wide by 4' high by 6" deep.   It is constructed of wood and pegboard.   Our idea is to display product/samples/information on both the front and back of the pegboard doors (doors open during display time), and inside the 6" deep enclosure.   That leaves roughly twelve 24" X 24" sections for displaying product plus table tops."

Their plan is to promote eleven manufacturers, including APC, each of which would submit the graphics and layout for their 24" X 24" section.   The printing costs would ultimately be divided by participating companies, keeping costs low.   Pete and crew are sure to repel ridiculously large numbers of competitive assaults with this clever and inexpensive tool.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              More Newspaper Headlines, Ads, & Quotes.   1) Police respond to a report of two dogs running loose and attacking a duck at 11:20 a.m.   The duck refused medical treatment and left the area according to police reports.   2) An Edgewood man reported recently that his wife had gone missing some 18 months ago.   3) Dispatch: report of Swanson chicken pot-pie running east on Clay Street.   4) Police checked the area and found an open door in the back of the building.   An officer went inside and called out, "Marco."   The detective was trying to inject some humor into the situation.   Police found the suspect after he responded, "Polo."   5) Teens use snowball in theft, police say.   6) For sale: collection of old people.   7) Turkey for sale: partially eaten, only 8 days old, both drumsticks still intact, $23 OBO.   8) GE Mammogram dishwasher for sale, white, $20, good condition.   9) China cabinet buffet hutch: solid pine, lighted windows, few cat scratches but cat has been killed.   10) Human skull, used only once, not plastic, $200 OBO.   11) Used toilet paper for sale: wide selection of brands and designs, call for details and prices.   12) 1995 Nissan Maxima, leather, loaded, good condition, not for sale.   13) Tombstone: standard gray, a good buy for someone named Grady.

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Copyright © 2009 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 2/27/09

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