Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #522

Ameren uses BonDuit® in its billion-dollar  PowerOn project.
          Six weeks ago we wrote about six-figure BonDuit® success at Ameren.   Here's more detail.   Ameren has launched a three-year, billion-dollar project called "Power On" to improve service reliability for customers across Missouri.   Among other things (tree trimming and line inspection), it includes 58 underground projects.   The goal is to reduce storm damage and other outages by moving many lines from overhead to underground in the belief that underground conduit offers better protection against the forces of nature.   The picture at left is an actual field shot of an Ameren polyethylene conduit bonded by BonDuit Adhesive to a PVC sweep as it enters a pad-mounted transformer.   The item in the lower left of the photo is a spent BonDuit mixing and application nozzle--not Dave Schumacher's heroin syringe (he gave that up months ago).   Underground conduit projects also benefit APC when cables are pulled into them using our lubricants!   For more information about Ameren's project, visit the Power On website.   Check on your local utilities' underground plans.   Make sure they know about BonDuit's key role in Ameren's massive upgrade.

APC is moving home.
          Who says you can never go home again? (Actually, it was the writer Thomas Wolfe, but never mind that now.)   We just think it's wrong ... and we can prove it.   Seven years ago in September 2001, three days after the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington D.C., APC's sales, accounting, and other office personnel left their lab, production, warehouse, and purchasing brethren behind and occupied new office digs two miles from the factory, a move necessitated by our having outgrown the existing facility.   While the organization was able to function efficiently as a split operation over the past seven years, the physical separation was a cultural shock.   Well, these employees are moving home soon.   When the office/warehouse building next door to our factory suddenly came up for sale, APC took advantage of the opportunity and bought it.   After a few months of renovation, we'll be moving in.   There will be plenty of notice on the actual move date to minimize service and communication disruptions.   We'll let you know any new phone numbers, addresses, or other relevant data as soon they're available.   We might even throw up a picture of the new place in a future issue.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              The Bank Robbery.   A man charged into a bank wearing a balaclava mask and wielding a handgun.   He shouted, "This is a bank robbery!   Everyone get on the floor!"   He then proceeded to empty the cash drawers.   As he ran toward the door with the loot, a brave customer leaped up and yanked off his balaclava.   The robber immediately shot the customer in the head and, after confirming the person had died, shouted, "Did anybody else here see my face?"   The robber noticed another customer peering from behind a counter and went over and shot him in the head too, killing him instantly.   "Did anybody else see my face?" he shouted again, waving his pistol around menacingly.   There was silence for a few seconds before an elderly male voice was heard from a distant corner ... "I think my missus might have caught a glimpse."

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Copyright © 2008 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 9/12/08

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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