Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #464

          Jury duty called and put the crimp on this week's edition of the Friday Fax even though I did my darndest to get out of it (goose-stepping into the courtroom, dry heaving when the defendant entered, etc.).   Nevertheless, the show must go on.   While other jurors quibbled over trivial matters of evidence and guilt, I was able to scribble out the following article.

Polywater® SPY Lube is generating many positive testimonials.
SPY Lube Testimonials
          Polywater SPY Lube is generating positive feedback from end users.   Here is one such testimonial: "Greatest lubricant yet.   Works great for pushing wires in EMT with wires already in EMT." --Essler Electric, Sauk Centre, MN.   Quite a large number of other fine comments are turning up at the factory, although we suspect that some are doctored by the marketing department:
  • "Works great.   Less pulling."
  • "SPY ... the King of Lubes."
  • "I can't believe I lubed the whole thing!"
  • "Oh, no!   Where'd I park my SPY-35LR?"
  • "SPY ... the lubricant of champions."
  • "Just lube it."
  • "Have it your spray."
  • "Finger-triggerin' good."
  • "When it sprays, no pours."
  • "I'd walk a mile for an SPY-D20."
  • "SPY ... the un-lube."
  • "Let your finger do the lubing."
  • "Help!   I've fallen and can't get my SPY Lube!"
Regardless of their origin, these comments reflect the consensus of opinion from users of SPY Lube: it works!   Sell with confidence.

A big thank you to all our reps for another successful year.
          We also find time to offer thanks for the great effort you make on our behalf.   APC finished its 33rd fiscal year in July.   It was an enormous success with all-time record sales levels.   We couldn't have done it without you.   Here's to your contribution, with hopes for many more great years to follow.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              English Lesson.   Billy-Bob is getting old and increasingly disturbed by the onset of impotency.   He finally goes to his doctor, who tries a few things, but nothing seems to work.   So the doctor refers him to a medicine man.   The medicine man says, "I can cure this."   That said, he throws a white powder in a flame, and there is a flash with billowing blue smoke.   He says, "This is powerful medicine.   You can only use it once a year.   All you have to do is say 'One, two, three' and it shall rise for as long as you wish!"   Billy-Bob then asks, "What happens when it's over, and I don't want to continue?"   The medicine man replies: "All you or your partner has to say is 'One, two, three, four', and it will go down--but be warned, it will not work again for another year!"   Billy-Bob rushes home, eager to try out his new powers and prowess.   That night he is ready to surprise Becky Sue.   He showers, shaves, and puts on his most exotic shaving lotion.   He gets into bed, and lying next to her says, "One, two, three."   He instantly becomes more aroused than anytime in his life just as the medicine man had promised.   Becky Sue, who had been facing away, turns over and asks, "What did you say one, two, three for?"   And that, my friends, is why you should never end a sentence with a preposition.

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Copyright © 2007 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 8/3/07

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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