Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #417

It's Not Fair!
Fair Competition?
          Before proceeding to the second criterion for selecting a cable pulling lubricant, we thought we'd explain last week's skepticism that EC&M's writer--or readers--could find lubricant information "readily available from such simple research as visiting the mfr website."   After all, such info is on APC's site--which is probably why the writer contacted us.   But we were less confident about our competitors.   This is because APC calls itself the "Technical Leader" in cable pulling lubrication science.   But is this fair?   Using scientific methodology, we set out to find the truth.   Using the website search feature at, we got the following lubricant-related results for the six terms: Coefficient of Friction - 61 related pages; Wetting - 13 pages; Coating - 22 pages; Shear - 23 pages; Approvals - 16 pages; and Compatibility - 39 pages.   Then we visited our #1 competitor's site ( and searched for the same six terms ... with these results: zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, and zero.   No, it really isn't fair, is it?

American Polywater's Technical Talk Newsletter.
          Lubricant Criterion #2: Wetting – Think of this as the opposite of beading up.   If lubricant beads up on the jacket it inevitably leaves dry, unlubricated areas on the cable.   Lubricants may produce impressive friction-reducing results in the ideal, controlled conditions of laboratory testing, but then fail in the field because of their inability to “wet out” (spread) on the full length of cable to be pulled.   Look for specification-grade lubricants that have passed the test of time or check for recommendations from a quality lubricant manufacturer.   (But as we've shown above, our competitors probably know more about bed wetting than cable wetting.)   See TeleTopics #7 for more information.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Letters to God   1) Dear God, I am American.  What are you? --Robert   2) Dear God, I want to be just like my daddy when I get big, but not with so much hair all over --Sam   3) Are you really invisible, or is that just a trick? --Lucy   4) Did you mean for giraffes to look like that, or was it an accident? --Norma   5) I keep waiting for Spring, but it never come yet.   Don't forget. --Mark   6) You don't have to worry about me.   I always look both ways. --Dean   7) Please put another holiday between Christmas and Easter.   There is nothing good in there now. --Ginny   8) Maybe Cain and Abel wouldn't kill each other so much if they had their own rooms.   It works with my brother. --Larry   9) I don't think anybody could be a better God.   I just wanted you to know, but I'm not just saying that because you are God. --Charles   10) Please send Dennis Clark to a different camp this year. --Peter   11) We read that Thomas Edison made light, but in Sunday School they said you did it.   I'll bet he stole your idea. --Donna

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Copyright © 2006 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 9/8/06

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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