Friday Fax
A Weekly Summary of Polywater® News of Incredible Importance
Issue #395

LSZH Cable Example
LSZH Cable Example
LSHF Cable Examples
LSHF Cable Examples
                              Cable Compatibility Warning.   All APC reps should be aware of a broad new class of cable jacket materials that is experiencing compatibility problems with cable pulling lubricants.   These chemically unique fire-retardant cable jackets are known as "low smoke zero halogen" or "low smoke halogen free" under the acronyms "LSZH" or "LSHF."   They were developed specifically to reduce toxic smoke emissions from cables burning in a fire--a leading cause of injury, death, and corrosive damage to electronics.   In some cases, though, the development research appears to have been done without regard to compatibility with the common cable lubricants used to install them.   The result is that most common lubes aggressively degrade some of these jackets.   We're not talking about iffy, long-term degradation; lubes like Yellow 77® and its copy-cats literally destroy such cables in a matter of days.   Even our flagship Polywater® J appears to be incompatible with some examples.   These cables are typically used in buildings, rail transit systems, nuclear plants, oil refineries, etc., for both electrical and communications transmission.   Many cable manufacturers are now well aware of the problem and are working closely with APC's laboratory to understand the phenomenon and develop lubricant recommendations.   Here is what you should know and do:

  • APC has modified its compatibility claim on website flyers to read: "Compatible with Common* Cables."  The asterisk leads to this statement at page bottom: "Contact American Polywater for specific recommendations on LSZH or LSHF cable jackets."
  • You should not represent any Polywater® Lubricant as being LSZH, LSHF, or low-smoke-zero-halogen-compatible until further notice.
  • Refer LSZH/LSHF customers to APC's lab for compatibility discussions and/or lubricant recommendations, rather than trying to handle these issues yourself.
  • As there are formulation differences from one cable manufacturer to another--and this problem may not affect all such cables--suggest customers submit cable samples to APC's lab for specific testing.
It is our realistic belief that APC will be able to make suitable lubricant recommendations for these new jackets, either from our existing line of ~twenty lubricants or a new, specially formulated version.   Until then, let's be responsible and lead the pack by acknowledging and formulating a solution to this technological challenge.   You can expect to hear more on this topic as the lab progresses with its research.

The Friday Fax Editor's Joke of the Week
The Joke
                              Joke of the Week: Child Support Application Responses to "Father's Details"   1) Regarding the identity of the twins' father, child "A" was fathered by Jim M.   I'm unsure about child "B," but I believe he was conceived the same night.   2) I'm unsure who my child's father is, as I was being sick out the window.   I can provide a list of names of men I think were at the party, if this helps.   3) I don't know the name of my girl's father.   She was conceived at a party where I'd been with a man I met that night.   I do remember that the sex was so good I fainted.   If you manage to track him down, please send me his phone number.   4) I don't know the father's identity.   He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in the door panel.   Perhaps you can contact BMW dealers and see if he's had it fixed.   5) I've never had sex with a man.   I'm still a Virginian.   I'm awaiting a letter from the Pope confirming that my son's conception was ejaculate and that he is the Saver risen again.   6) I can't reveal the father's name as he informs me that doing so would blow his cover and have cataclysmic implications for the economy.   I'm torn between doing right by you and right by the country.   Please advise.   7) I don't know the father of my child, as all those types look the same to me.   8) Pat S. is the father of child "A."   If you catch him, ask him what he did with my AC/DC CDs.   Child "B," who was also borned at the same time, well, I don't have a clue.   9) By the date it seems my daughter was conceived at Disney World; maybe it really is the Magic Kingdom.   10) So much about that night is a blur.   The only thing I remember for sure is a show about eggs earlier in the evening.   If I'd stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party, mine might have remained unfertilized.   11) I'm unsure who fathered my baby, after all, when you eat a can of beans you can't be sure which one made you f#&%.

Copyright © 2006 American Polywater Corporation -- Issue Date: 4/7/06

American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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